Work sucks. It’s not the job, it’s the people.
There’s the guy who hates everything. The woman that derails every meeting. The jackass that built an evil empire around the accounting system. If they’d just go away, life at work would be a lot better. So fire them as nature intended. The law of the jungle has striking parallels in the office jungles of work. I’ll guide you through the wilderness of the organizational predator to show you how to hunt vile coworkers, even bosses, all the way to the pink slip. Patience and wits are the only fangs in play as I walk you through the graphic details of actual kills in the wilds of business. Witness real people just like your awful coworkers as they get another chance at being better … somewhere else.
Killed out will be available on May 15, 2021 in eBook, Paperback, and Audiobook formats! Look for it on Kindle and Audiable!